Contract Agreement

  • Crafting legally-binding contract terms effectively.
  • Ensuring clarity and mutual understanding in agreements.
  • Facilitating seamless negotiation and dispute resolution.
  • Protecting interests through meticulous contractual drafting.
  • Providing expert guidance for sound contractual decisions.

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Contractor agreement is made tailor made agreement that will fit into the specific requirement of both parties (awarder and awardee) generally the organization or a business concern is awarder and awardee is, the contractor, who receives the contract. The contractor is obligated to execute the project within a specific timeframe with any delays and with no compromise in the quality of work. While the awarder needs to make periodic inspection and release the payment as per the agreement. The agreement is executed on e stamp paper and stands as reference to both parties in the event of deviation from the agreed upon norms of the contract. It is a safe measure to have terms and conditions of agreement on an e stamp paper duly signed by both parties and that becomes a legal document for any legal course if need be.