Dormant Status or Inactive Company Status

  • Filing of MGT-14
  • Filing of MSC-1
  • Preparation of necessary documents and completing compliances as per Secretarial standards

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About Service

Under Section 455(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, a company that has been formed but has no significant accounting transactions or operations may apply for the status of a dormant company. Obtaining dormant company status provides various benefits and simplifies compliance requirements. This guide aims to provide valuable insights into the process of obtaining dormant company status, mandatory requirements, the application procedure, issuance of the certificate, and the ongoing compliance obligations

List of Documents Required

Memorandum of

Certificate of Incorporation

Bank Statement
(If available)

Digital Signature

KYC Documents of
the Directors

(Format will be shared)

Notices and

How Does It Works?

Form Submission

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Final Quote And

Document Submission

Filing of MSC-1 and MGT-14 (5 Days)

Issuance of Dormancy Certificate