Importer Exporter Code (IEC)

It is mandatory to obtain an Importer Exporter Code for any business who wishes to either import or export services or goods. However, for service exports it is not mandatory unless the exporter wants to claim benefits under the Foreign Trade Policy.
Yes you read it right! There are a lot of benefits that are available to exporters, incl. additional direct incentives from Govt. of upto 10% of your export revenue. So get your IEC Code, Today!!

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List of Documents Required

Bank Statement/
Cancelled Cheque

PAN Card of the Entity

GST Certificate

Utility Bill of the Place

Aadhar Card of
Authorised Signatory

Digital Signature
(in case of company/LLP)

How Does It Works?

Document Submission

Document Checking

Final Quote And

Process Tack Off

Back & Forth Communcation

Result Delivered