Security escort services are an essential part of any security service company’s offerings. These services provide clients with a trained security escort to ensure their safety and protection when traveling to and from different locations. The need for security escort services has become increasingly important in today’s world, where the threat of violence and crime is ever-present.

Security escort services provide a range of benefits to clients. They can be used to ensure the safety of high-profile individuals such as celebrities, politicians, and executives, as well as employees of companies operating in high-risk areas. Security escorts are trained to identify potential threats and take appropriate action to mitigate any risks to their clients’ safety. They are also trained in defensive driving techniques, which can be especially important when escorting clients through dangerous areas or during high-speed chases.

Another benefit of security escort services is that they provide a visible deterrent to potential attackers. The presence of a security escort sends a message that the client is under the protection of a trained professional, which can discourage criminals from attempting an attack. This can be particularly important in situations where the client is at risk of kidnapping, as security escorts can prevent the client from being taken against their will.

Security escort services can also be customized to meet the specific needs of individual clients. For example, some clients may require an armed escort, while others may prefer an unarmed escort. Clients can also choose the level of security they require, ranging from a single security escort to a team of security personnel with specialized training in threat assessment and risk management.


At Adyant Security, we take our clients security very seriously. Hiring a security team will help you protect your property, Business, and keep you and your employees safe.
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About Service

We offer professional unarmed security services throughout the nation, ranging from small Business events to security for major Businesses and corporations. Adyant Security  has also been in the security industry for eight years, so we have plenty of experience in any situation imaginable. We offer guards that are armed or unarmed, and we’re available 24/7. Whatever your needs are, we have the expertise to handle it professionally. We have services to serve your needs in all over Delhi/NCR.

Working with our unarmed security guards, at Adyant Security , decreases the likelihood of a crime taking place. If you’re looking for the best way to provide safety and insurance against harm, contact our unarmed security team today.

We Offer Unarmed Security For:

  • Retail stores
  • Hotels
  • Shopping malls
  • Cruise ships
  • Entertainers
  • Restaurants
  • Business events
  • Construction sites
  • Factories
  • High Schools & Colleges
  • Nursing homes + more

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Unarmed security guards are trained to monitor and protect an area/property/Business from any hazards, criminal activities, and damage.

Unarmed security guards are trained to monitor and protect an area/property/Business from any hazards, criminal activities, and damage.

An unarmed security officer is always vigilant and uses a range of techniques to handle any safety issues that may arise. They are trained to adequately respond to potential threats, criminal activities, and other emergencies such as fire hazards.

Unarmed Security Professionals

These professionals will alert the authorities if they detect any suspicious behavior in order to protect both you and your property. Unlike armed security officers, they do not carry weapons and are not allowed to use them.

Instead, they carry tools such as a baton, flashlight, security guard belt, security guard boots, a phone (and other communication devices such as a walkie-talkie), pepper spray, etc. Some of these items are not merely tools but can be used for protection as well (such as a baton). Unarmed security officers can be equally effective as armed security guards because their presence alone deters criminal activity. Contact us for more information.

An unarmed security officer is always vigilant and uses a range of techniques to handle any safety issues that may arise. They are trained to adequately respond to potential threats, criminal activities, and other emergencies such as fire hazards.

An unarmed security guard performs mostly the same duties as other security guards, and they have also gone through extensive training to receive their license.

An unarmed security officer’s duties can vary from one client to another. Their daily tasks usually involve patrolling and monitoring of the premises in search of suspicious activities and hazards. They detect and deter criminal activities and alert the police station or the fire department if they notice any safety hazards.

Unarmed Security Guards Primary Role

Their primary role is to maintain order and ensure the safety of everyone involved by acting as a preliminary defense system. Their job is to prevent harm and damage by handling safety problems. They do not contact the police unless there is a need to do so.

Unarmed Security Guards Secure:

  • Schools
  • Businesses
  • Hospitals
  • Other public spaces

You may wonder how an unarmed security officer might help protect you and your property from criminal activities such as theft without any firearms.

While they are not trained and allowed to carry and use weapons, unarmed security officers are trained in other methods and tactics for dealing with safety problems. They acquire these skills during their long and comprehensive training. Furthermore, they are allowed to make arrests if necessary.

Unarmed Security Offers Peace of Mind

Hiring an unarmed security guard gives you peace of mind knowing that someone is monitoring the facility and making sure that everyone is safe. Especially if you run a Business with expensive equipment and want to minimize the risk of any financial loss. Hiring an unarmed security guard will prevent any damage to your property and ensure the safety of your employees.

Unarmed security guards are typically employed by low-risk venues that need protection. Their presence deters criminals from attempting to rob or damage your property. The cost of hiring an unarmed security officer is also lower than employing an armed security officer. 

If you want to invest in the security of your Business, your property, as well as the people you care about, Adyant Security  are at your disposal.

Who we are:

  • Highly-trained and licensed professionals
  • We have years of experience securing different venues, Businesses, events, and people
  • We know how to recognize and deal with safety threats
  • We are reliable
  • We are one of the top security companies in the U.S.

We are always on guard and ready to take care of your protection. If you are concerned about employees’ safety, your costly equipment, or you’re hosting an important event, we have the manpower to secure your venue.

We offer a range of security services including unarmed security officers and at very reasonable prices. Invest in your safety and minimize damage.